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Michelin Slows Radial Plans in India

(Akron/Tire Review) Groupe Michelin said last week that, though it plans to produce radial tires in collaboration with India’s Apollo Tyres, the company is waiting for radial tires to catch on in the Indian market.

Breaking Out: Russia’s Largest Automotive Show Quite an Interesting Affair

Russia’s Largest Automotive Show Quite an Interesting Affair

A Fresh Look: Supply Problems and Advancing Technologies Fuel Retreading Growth

Suppose for a moment that you’re the owner of a candy store, and that, for quite some time, you’ve been selling all of the quality candy that you can possibly stock in your limited storage space. And, suppose that your customers seem to be happy campers and that, for once in your career, they aren’t

New Brand For New Market: Amtel-Vredestein Launches “Premium” Vredestein Brand in Russia

Amtel-Vredestein Launches “Premium” Vredestein Brand in Russia

Revealing Your Potential: The Complete Business Makeover

When was the last time you looked at your tire dealership – not as a business manager but as an objective observer? If it’s been a while, take a step back and really study your business. What do you see? Sagging sales? Unbalanced balance sheets? Peeling paint? If you’re suffering from any of those, it

Size and Safety: How Ultra-Large Wheels Impact Stopping Power, Load Capacity

When we talk about a life-or-death situation, many times, the old adage, “Every second counts” comes to mind. If we apply that same principle to our vehicles, especially when braking, we might say, “Every inch counts.” How many times have you had to brake hard to avoid – or attempt to avoid – hitting something?

Plus Sizing Profits: Managing Your Business and Maximizing Profits is a Numbers Game

Years ago, one of my journalism mentors gave me some advice. “You can’t manage what you don’t measure,” he told me. “That’s a catchy sentence that might work in an article someday,” I thought to myself. I didn’t realize at the time how valuable his advice would become. The concept would ultimately prove useful in

Out of the Ordinary: Cooper’s Top Exec Discusses Recent Transformation, Global Ambitions

To get a sense of Cooper Tire & Rubber Co. and its chairman, president and CEO, you need look no further than Tom Dattilo’s corner office. Unlike the vistas other captains of industry enjoy from their lofty perches, Dattilo’s third-floor office overlooks Oler’s Drive Thru, a convenience store that stands as a stark reminder of

Direct Discourse: Have a Plane Spell Out Your Company Name in Smoke

Have a plane spell out your company name in smoke. Hire someone to stand on the street corner in a monkey suit holding a sign. If you’re the conservative type, add store signage or buy an ad on TV, in the local newspaper or on radio. When it comes to advertising, independent tire dealers have

Eye on Tomorrow: Challenge Bibendum in Shanghai Explores ‘Sustainable Mobility’

Challenge Bibendum in Shanghai Explores ‘Sustainable Mobility’