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Flexible Benefit Plan

The concept of limiting the availability of commercial tire tread designs or model types has always been appealing to most fleets, large and small. However, decades have passed since it has been either practical or economical to apply a single tire type to all wheel positions. Nearly all fleets specify specialized tread designs for different

Flat-Out Profitable: A Little Digging Exposes New Opportunities in a 30-Plus-Year-Old Niche Market

Consider the power of this suggestion: No more flat tires. Ever. Nudging this concept into the realm of possibility is a group of products known by some as tire fill and by others as foam fill. Due to the variety of materials being used today, the most accurate term may be “flatproofing solutions.” Simply stated,

Wheel Anatomy: Part II

Last month, we began a multi-part series on the concepting, design and production of today’s hot custom wheels with an inside look at cast one-piece aluminum wheels. This month, we’re going to touch on the newest forged one-piece wheels and then describe two-piece wheels. Forged wheels are literally forged in a press and made into

Bargain Clutter Busters

Boston was invaded in July 2003. Not by aliens or a foreign army, but by strange creatures known as “treadheads.” During that month, six young men cruised the streets of Boston sporting an unusual hair style – a tread pattern on their heads. They also wore red T-shirts bearing the question, “What’s up with my

Wheel Anatomy: Part I

Arguably one of the most aesthetic components of any vehicle, wheels reflect the owner’s style, personality and, in many cases, the size of his or her bank account. But wheels encompass much more than just good looks. Looking beyond the final product all the way back to the beginning, we discover an idea or inspiration

Significantly Deflating

Percentages are funny things. Sometimes they work for you, sometimes not. Take the figure 25%, for example. If you are right only 25% of the time, you’re either the parent of a teenager or in government service. If you’re wrong 25% of the time, you qualify for management. A profit increase of 25% means you

Do You Know Us?: If You Don’t, You May be Alienating Your Most Profitable Customers Forever

If you’re like most tire dealers, you’re probably turning your back on the most profitable customers you’ll ever see. Not intentionally, perhaps, but this unique group of customers – tuners, enthusiasts, restylers, whatever you want to call them – is often left frustrated trying to deal with dealers. So, they leave and find another option.

Complete Hiring/Firing Guide

What are the three most important factors in retailing success? Location, location, location? Nope – they are staff, staff, staff. Personnel experts contend that poor hiring decisions are the main causes of absenteeism and poor productivity, which ultimately result in employee turnover and profit loss. The smaller your business, the more important each person. Just

Next Big Thing: Fleets Still Want Retreads But Prefer Greater Cost Efficiencies

Today, retreading is an integral part of most successful commercial tire servicing operations. The synergy gained from combining replacement tire sales with tire/wheel servicing and retreading makes good business sense from the viewpoints of both the fleet customer and the tire dealer. Truck fleet operators, both small and large, have precious little time and few

Taking Your Pulse: There’s More to Being Financially Healthy Than a Strong Bottom Line

Bottom line got you down? Well, start looking up. When reviewing financial statements, the eyes of most independent tire dealers go straight to the bottom line, says Jack Phillips, vice president of credit and financial services for American Tire Distributors in Charlotte, N.C. And that’s a big mistake. Why? Because looking only at the bottom